Dr Ronnie Stein, MD FRACP
Dr. Ronnie Stein, MD FRACP, is a Consultant Paediatrician and Paediatric Endocrinologist, specializing in a wide array of hormonal issues affecting children from newborns through to older teenagers. Her expertise lies in addressing the complex needs related to growth, metabolism, and sexual development in paediatrics. Children have unique physical and emotional needs, particularly during their growth and developmental stages.
Dr. Stein understands these nuances and is dedicated to addressing hormone-related challenges that can significantly impact a child’s emotional and physical well-being. As a paediatric endocrinologist, she adopts a sensitive and personalised approach, ensuring that each child receives the best possible care. In her practice, Dr. Stein collaborates closely with primary care providers, specialists, nurses, dieticians, and psychologists, forming a multidisciplinary team that is essential in delivering comprehensive and holistic care. This teamwork not only addresses the immediate health concerns but also contributes positively to the long-term wellbeing of her young patients.
Dr. Stein used to consult privately at the Macmurray Centre and also in an outreach clinic in Cambridge. In 2024, she co-founded TinyGiants, there she currently works and further expanding her commitment to paediatric healthcare excellence.
Areas of expertise:
• Growth issues including: faltering growth, short stature, overgrowth and tall stature
• Puberty: Precocious or delayed puberty
• Polycystic ovary syndrome
• Childhood obesity
• Failure to thrive
• Hormone stimulation tests
• Hypoglycaemia (low blood sugar)
• Diabetes: neonatal diabetes, type 1 diabetes,
MODY, type 2 diabetes, insulin resistance
• Thyroid gland dysfunctions: Autoimmune underactive (Hashimoto) or overactive (Graves), congenital hypothyroidism, etc.
• Thyroid gland enlargement (Goitre)
• Adrenal insufficiency: congenital adrenal hyperplasia, Addison’s, adrenal hypoplasia, autoimmune adrenal conditions
• Ambiguous Genitalia
• Hypopituitarism (under-function of 1 or more of the pituitary gland hormones)
• Bone health: rickets, hypocalcaemia, hypercalcemia, vitamin D, etc.
• Syndromes with endocrine presentation such as:
Turner, Noonan, Russel silver, Kallman, Prader Willi, Klinefelter etc.
• Ovarian and testicular dysfunction
• Semmelweis Medical School, Budapest Hungary
• Basic and Advanced Paediatric Training, Hillel Yaffe
Medical Centre, Israel
• Paediatric Endocrinology Fellowship in Dana-Dwek
Children’s Hospital, Tel Aviv Sourasky Medical
Centre, Israel
• ESPE (European society for paediatric
endocrinology) DOME (diabetes, obesity and
metabolism) School, 2017
Local and Overseas Experience:
• Consultant Paediatrician and Paediatric
Endocrinologist, Wairau Hospital, Blenheim
• Paediatric Neuro-endocrine Clinic, Spinal Muscular
Atrophy MDT Clinic, Dana Dwek Children’s Hos
pital, Tel Aviv
• Paediatric Obesity Clinic, Paediatric Diabetes and
Metabolism Unit, Dana Dwek Children’s Hospital,
Tel Aviv
• Consultant General Paediatric at Maccabi Health
Care Services HMO